The 10 Minute Dental Marketing Podcast
The 10-Minute Dental Marketing Podcast delivers brief but powerful and actionable marketing tips and strategies to help you grow your practice and take it to new heights. Visit our website at to learn how to get more new patients using the power of the internet.

Friday Sep 16, 2016
How to Convert Phone Calls Into Appointments
Friday Sep 16, 2016
Friday Sep 16, 2016
How to Convert Phone Calls Into Appointments
Quote of the day: “Leap and the net will appear.” - John Burroughs When someone calls, you need to be absolutely certain that the person that is answering your phones has a pen and paper ready to take notes. They will need to write down the patient’s name, location, reason for their call, and a phone number in case they get disconnected. Once they have this information, they can use the patient’s name in the conversation to help them establish rapport and trust. It’s also really important to make sure that whoever is answering phones is smiling when speaking with patients. Smiles can be heard in a person’s voice and will make the phone call a more enjoyable one.
1. Use a Proper Introduction
Staff should use a proper introduction that can be scripted or not scripted. An example greeting would be, “Thank you for calling [Dental Practice]. My name is [Name], how may I help you today?” Try to make sure that the introduction always ends with a question as it can help you convert more people that are calling in into patients.
2. Set Up the Appointment
Allow the caller to finish explaining why they’re calling. Follow up, refer to them by name, and repeat the purpose of the call. Ask them what time of day works best so that you can set up an appointment. If the caller requests available times, your staff should already have the schedule open and should be ready with a few available appointment slots.
3. Gather Additional Info
If they don’t agree to book a time, gather more information. If the patient isn’t forthcoming, do not pressure them. An example of a no pressure question to gather more information would be, “Is the toothache located in the lower or upper set of teeth?” Continue these questions to see if they’re experiencing other symptoms and after the patient has explained their issue, offer to book an appointment again. You can phrase this in a non-pressuring way as well, “We’d really be happy to help you with [dental problem]. Would a morning or afternoon appointment work best?” By doing this, you’re treating the appointment as something they’ve already decided on doing.
4. Completing the Process
Make sure you have all the correct contact information. Ask the caller if they need directions to your practice. Once you’ve reviewed and verified the information, thank the patient for the call. An example of this is, “Thank you for calling, [Patient Name]. We look forward to seeing you on [Appointment Date]!” Complete the process of registering the appointment and putting the patient into your patient database. A complimentary confirmation email should be sent out that includes the appointment information (date and reason for appointment) and the location of your dental practice. Once you implement these strategies, you’ll be able to close many more patients than you’re currently closing! The first phone call is a major part of a successful practice, and it’s important to have a general outline for booking appointments. The outline shouldn’t be scripted as scripted calls will be obvious to potential patients. For more information on Phone Appointments, pick up our free Phone Appointment Checklist that has step-by-step information on how to handle phone calls and set up appointments. Everything you need to know is covered in this short checklist! If you need assistance with converting more phone calls to patients, contact us today so we can see if we're a good fit for each other. Be sure to follow us on Twitter @TitanWebAgency if you enjoyed this podcast! Have you considered hiring a company to help you market your practice? If so, be sure to check out this free report I put together called: The Consumer Awareness Guide to Choosing an Online Marketing Agency. Learn the exact questions you need to ask to ensure you don’t get ripped off. You can pick it up at: out the show notes at:
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Friday Sep 09, 2016
Using Links to Improve Search Rankings
Friday Sep 09, 2016
Friday Sep 09, 2016
Using Links to Improve Search Rankings
What was discussed?
Quote of the day: “Doing what you love is the cornerstone of having abundance in your life.” - Wayne Dyer A link is when a website mentions your website and provides a clickable link over to your site. Here’s an example: if you’re reading an article and there is text highlighted in blue, and it takes you somewhere else, that’s a link!
Do-Follow Links:
These links are basically saying that they vouch for the site, and the site is trusted.These are reported to help increase rankings more.
Why Does This Increase Rankings?
If you’re getting referenced on CNN or HealthGrades, that provides a signal to the search engines that your website is valuable and trusted. When your site is linked by an already established and reputable source, then that builds trust in the search engines.
No-Follow Links:
These links aren’t vouching for the reputability of the site that they’re linking to. While these can potentially help, they’re not as sought after as Do-Follow Links. When you’re being linked, ask yourself if the source that is linking to you is relevant. Is it relevant to your practice? Is it in a relevant geographical location? Is it relevant to your region and industry? These tend to look the best to the search engines and help the most. You can also ask yourself if getting linked by the site you’re looking at would make sense. If you’re a local dentist and you’re getting linked by a local plumber, that’s probably not the most relevant and best place to be linked by.
Increasing Links to Your Site
This isn’t as easy as contacting the site owner and trying to get them to mention you. It’s generally more complicated than that. Here are some questions to ask yourself:
Who do you do business with now?
Are you an alumni of a specific school?
Are you involved in your community?
Do you donate time or money to charity?
Does your team or company volunteer anywhere?
What do you want to be involved with?
Who do you have business partnerships or relationships with?
When you’re involved in the community, you can often be listed on local community boards or put yourself in newspaper service columns depending on the community. If you’re a big fan of a popular product (for example, Dental Vibe), you can offer to put a testimonial on that product’s site in return for a link back to your site.If you’re a dentist, and you recommend orthodontists or surgeons, try syncing up with them to see if there is the possibility of linking to your site.
Build Relationships and Partnerships
When you do this, you’ll be able to establish relationships that are mutually beneficial and advantageous to both parties. If you’re not very active in your community, get started! Join a Meetup group or a chamber to become known and recognized in your community. Links are a great way to increase your search rankings, build trust with your brand and websites, and show up higher in the search results. If you need assistance with increasing links to your site, be sure to contact us today so we can see if we're a good fit for each other. Be sure to follow us on Twitter @TitanWebAgency if you enjoyed this podcast! Have you considered hiring a company to help you market your practice? If so, be sure to check out this free report I put together called: The Consumer Awareness Guide to Choosing an Online Marketing Agency. Learn the exact questions you need to ask to ensure you don’t get ripped off. You can pick it up at: out the show notes at:
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Friday Sep 02, 2016
Helping Search Engines Understand Your Site Better with Schema
Friday Sep 02, 2016
Friday Sep 02, 2016
Helping Search Engines Understand Your Site Better with Schema
What was discussed?
Quote of the day: “A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.” - Colin Powell A long time ago, brought some of the top search engines in the world together to create a method that would make it easier to identify important information on a website. At a high level, this means that there’s code placed in a certain way on your site that helps the search engines read your site better. By implementing this, search engines can better understand stuff like what your customers think of you, what it is that you do, what kind of payment you accept, and more. If you’ve ever typed in a movie that you wanted to see, and there are times listed down in the search results, that’s Schema! If you’ve Googled a business and are shown stars by a listing (like a review of something), that’s also Schema.
How can you use Schema?
The first thing you should do is to make sure that you’re marking up your Schema with your local business information. You’ll want to make sure that you include that markup on your site. This will identify what your site is whenever you show up in the search engines. Add the ‘Same As property’ to your site as well. If you don’t already know this (and you probably do), citations are a large part of SEO. When you create citations, search engines might have a difficult time associating that citation with your site and some other properties that you might have. The ‘Same As’ Schema makes this process a lot easier. This code tells the search engines that the business on your website is the same business as the one on your Facebook, Yelp, and Google My Business page. It tells them definitively that those sites are your property and that they’re all the same business. It helps search engines to better associate these relationships between the sites. Schema will help you show up better in the search engines (visually), and you can help the search engines understand your business much better. It’s definitely recommended that you pick up Schema as very few companies use it, and it can make a big difference! For more information on Schema, check out the following links: Generator For SEO (Microdata Generator) Schema Creator (Wordpress Plugin) Why Your Local Business Schema Sucks and How To Make it Better (WhiteSpark Article) If you need assistance with setting up Schema, contact us today so we can see if we're a good fit for each other. Be sure to follow us on Twitter @TitanWebAgency if you enjoyed this podcast! Have you considered hiring a company to help you market your practice? If so, be sure to check out this free report I put together called: The Consumer Awareness Guide to Choosing an Online Marketing Agency. Learn the exact questions you need to ask to ensure you don’t get ripped off. You can pick it up at: out the show notes at:
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Friday Aug 26, 2016
The Dirty Truth About SEO Companies
Friday Aug 26, 2016
Friday Aug 26, 2016
The Dirty Truth About SEO Companies
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Quote of the day: “If you try and lose then it isn't your fault. But if you don't try and we lose, then it's all your fault.” - Orson Scott Card Searching for a new SEO company? Here are some scummy SEO tactics that you should look out for:
Using Old Techniques
If companies are talking to you about getting lots of forum links, mentioning how they’ll create web 2.0s, or if they start talking about spinning content – don’t continue the conversation. These are outdated techniques that aren’t in practice anymore. They can also cause your search engine rank to drop significantly.
Not Optimizing Your Site
If they don’t mention on-page SEO, run the other way! Optimizing your on-page SEO can significantly increase your search engine rankings. Often, a bad SEO company won’t even look at this even though it’s one of the first things that you should do.
Using Sales Tactics
If they’re using sales tactics that revolve around pressuring you into a decision, they’re most likely not a great fit. Sales tactics like this involve telling you that there’s only one spot left, pressuring you into buying their product, telling you they can only take on one more client, or lowering the price even more after you’ve rejected them. If they lower the price and use these tactics just to try and close you, how much effort will they put forth on your campaign? Ask yourself where you think their priorities lie.
Not Asking for Access
You have to trust your SEO companies to give them these logins, but your SEO company should be asking for logins or access to these sites. If they don’t ask for this information, they won’t have the information necessary to work on your campaign and are most likely using outdated tactics. There’s a lot of valuable information on Google Analytics, Google Webmaster Tools, Google My Business, and Google Adwords (along with any other sites that you use in reference to your site) that SEO companies need access to make adjustments. If they don’t mention any of the above, steer clear.
Saying You Need a New Site
If they tell you that you have to build a new website and it’s going to cost X amount of money, don’t just do it. Seriously consider why you would need a new website, and be sure to ask pointed questions to get this information out of them. Often, you won’t need to build a new website. If they don’t have a good reason for why you should build a new website, you should probably avoid them. If your website is properly optimized, you most likely don’t need to build a new website. If you have an older website that’s not properly optimized, you can consider it, but definitely, look into it. If they’re just trying to get you to build a new website so they can get paid more, it’s probably time to find a new vendor. Head to and pick up our free report that talks about some of these tricks and others that SEO companies will try to pull. It’ll educate you on what to look for and what to ask so you can ensure that you’re hiring the best business to reach your goals. If you need assistance with finding the right SEO company for your needs, contact us today so we can see if we're a good fit for each other. Be sure to follow us on Twitter @TitanWebAgency if you enjoyed this podcast! Have you considered hiring a company to help you market your practice? If so, be sure to check out this free report I put together called: The Consumer Awareness Guide to Choosing an Online Marketing Agency. Learn the exact questions you need to ask to ensure you don’t get ripped off. You can pick it up at: out the show notes at:
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Friday Aug 19, 2016
What is Call Tracking? How Can it Help Your Business?
Friday Aug 19, 2016
Friday Aug 19, 2016
What is Call Tracking? How Can it Help Your Business?
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Quote of the day: “The difference between ordinary and extraordinary, is that little extra!” – Jimmy Johnson
What is it?
Call tracking is using software as a way to track the phone calls that come in. Sometimes this software can also record the calls that come in (if it’s legal and available in your area). For example, it’s useful when you want to get an excellent grasp on how many calls and potential patients that you’re generating from your postcards or other specific marketing efforts.
How do you use it?
You create a call tracking number through whichever service you choose, and you assign it to the campaign. You put the number on the postcard and each time someone calls that number, it’s forwarded to your main line. You can have a whisper tone before the caller is on the line that notifies you of the lead. You can then record exactly how many calls you get from these specific numbers. If you do this over time, you’ll be able to understand exactly how much revenue you got from the campaign and compare that to how much you spent on it. You can also use call tracking for online methods of tracking. For example, you can use it for email marketing campaigns, SEO services, and more! Whenever someone visits your website through one of those avenues, they’ll see a unique phone number.
What are the benefits?
One of the best ways to implement this is by using Dynamic Call Tracking. The phone number on your website is the same that you usually use, but when someone visits your site from a Google Adwords click or a regular search in Google, they’ll see a different number based on how they got to your site. This is recommended because we know that Google thinks it’s important that businesses have a consistent name, address and phone number (NAP). If you have a bunch of different numbers on your site, then Google can’t trust the information on your site. Dynamic Number Insertion eliminates all of those issues, which is why it’s highly recommended. You can also record form submissions to get a better picture of where your potential clients are coming from. Call tracking is useful instead of just putting out $2000 a month for marketing and not understanding if specific marketing expenditures are achieving an actual return on your investment. You want to ensure you’re maximizing every single dollar when you’re spending on marketing, and understanding how effective your campaigns are is a huge part of that. This effort can also help you in identifying holes in your marketing campaigns by showing which methods are most effective and which methods aren’t. It offers you insight that you otherwise wouldn’t get. Check out WhatConverts, CallRail, and CallFire for call tracking.If you need assistance with setting up call tracking for your marketing campaigns, contact us today so we can see if we're a good fit for each other. Be sure to follow us on Twitter @TitanWebAgency if you enjoyed this podcast! Have you considered hiring a company to help you market your practice? If so, be sure to check out this free report I put together called: The Consumer Awareness Guide to Choosing an Online Marketing Agency. Learn the exact questions you need to ask to ensure you don’t get ripped off. You can pick it up at: Check out the show notes at:
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Friday Aug 12, 2016
How to Effectively Market Your Drug Rehab Facility
Friday Aug 12, 2016
Friday Aug 12, 2016
How to Effectively Market Your Drug Rehab Facility
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Quote of the day: “Genius is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration.” – Thomas Edison The lifetime value of one new patient can be worth tens of thousands of dollars. It’s important to consistently attract new clients or patients and be able to retain them. The drug rehab industry is a 35 billion dollar industry, with more than 14,000 facilities in the US. It is expected that behavioral disorder counselor employment will grow by 35% over the next 10 years. This is a great opportunity for you to entrench yourself as a leader in your market or niche because the need for rehab services is growing. Here are a few concepts on how to effectively market your drug rehab facility:
1. Brand Your Rehab Center
You should be known for something unique. Develop a unique selling proposition that is evident in your different marketing efforts. Communicate your unique selling proposition in all of your marketing and have it be a primary focus of your marketing. The goal of this is to be the go-to facility for whatever need that you’re filling.
2. Avoid Shady SEO
Make sure that you’re not buying SEO from a cheap vendor or from someone that isn’t up to date on the current practices in SEO. Falling for cheap SEO can ruin your online reputation and make it difficult to recover. Be sure to pick up our free report on what to look for when hiring your SEO company.
3. Start a Blog
Blogging is a great way for you to connect with your target audience and for you to be discovered more in the search engines. Write in a conversational and friendly tone, host the blog on your site, and use different keywords as appropriate. Back up your ideas with data and statistics from reputable sources. Write about real people and topics and share how your company has been able to help people struggling with addiction. You can always outsource your work but make absolutely sure that you know and trust your writers. Make sure they’re writing things that are in line with your beliefs, your values, and your vision. Don’t forget to share these blog posts on social media!
4. Convert Your Visitors
Your website is the first impression that most people have of you. Ensure that it loads fast, properly portrays who you are and what you do. Make sure your unique selling proposition is on your site and include photos and testimonials of your current clients. Your visitors should not have to think through a difficult design so be sure to hire professionals who understand a good user experience.
5. Use Social Media
Social media is a great way to build your name up and strengthen your online presence. Try posting motivational quotes that will have a positive influence on your current clients and prospective visitors.
6. Use Local SEO Alongside Community Outreach
Actively participate in your community and online to create a connection between the two. Spread the message that addiction is a disease and that these people need help. This will help to improve your reach and will prompt more people to search for you. This creates a mutually beneficial relationship between you, your community, and other professionals.
7. Updated Google My Business
Make sure your Google My Business page and all of your directories are clear, consistent, and correct. You want to ensure that your visitors can trust that the information they see online is current and correct. Use the same phone number, address, and website across all directories. This allows the search engines to trust that the information is correct and ensures that accurate information is displayed in searches. Search engines don’t want to publish something if it conflicts with the proper information. If you need assistance with choosing a reputable and efficient SEO company, be sure to check out our free report or contact us today so we can see if we're a good fit for each other. Be sure to follow us on Twitter @TitanWebAgency if you enjoyed this podcast! Have you considered hiring a company to help you market your practice? If so, be sure to check out this free report I put together called: The Consumer Awareness Guide to Choosing an Online Marketing Agency. Learn the exact questions you need to ask to ensure you don’t get ripped off. You can pick it up at: out the show notes at:
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Friday Aug 05, 2016
How a Drug Rehab Center Can Use Content Marketing to Get More New Patients
Friday Aug 05, 2016
Friday Aug 05, 2016
How a Drug Rehab Center Can Use Content Marketing to Get More New Patients
What was discussed?
Quote of the day: “Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better.” – Jim Rohn
1. Identify Your Ideal Patient
You need to know who you want to come into your rehab center. This includes: who will make you the most money? Who is the easiest to work with? Who has the best chance of success? Who is the least amount of work for you? You need to develop and understand this data as your facility grows. Keep statistics on this type of stuff by checking patient records and patient management software. Identify your ideal patient and who you want to build your business with.
2. Consider the Buyer’s Journey
When we’re searching for something online, we become aware that there’s an issue and a potential problem that needs to be solved. Next, we consider a potential solution to that problem. Third, we make a decision. We do more research and find out a good fix for the problem that we have. During the first step, when someone becomes aware of an issue and is looking for a solution, they might find your website. Your website needs to have a lot of useful information to answer the many questions they might have. The information needs to include success stories, educational information, facts about rehab facilities, facts about success rate, and more. When they’re searching through rehab centers, they’re narrowing down which center they’re going to choose for their rehabilitation experience. You need to provide value for them in this stage. When they’re in the decision stage, be prepared to have customer testimonials, perhaps an onboarding process, and everything they’ll need if they choose to use your facility.
3. Focus on Your Audience
Understand that content marketing is about your audience, not about you. Often times a company’s idea of content marketing is a weekly post promoting their services. You’re not going to do this! You’re going to develop content that’s relevant to your audience. Figure out what types of topics are appropriate for your ideal obvious. Here’s a list to get you started: 1. Talk about the services you offer. 2. What does each service treatment entail? 3. Do you specialize in a specific treatment? 4. Do you cater to a special industry? 5. Is there anything family members want to understand? For example, what to watch out for or how to help someone in recovery. 6. Provide drug information. 7. Provide first hand experiences to help those who are considering heading to rehab. 8. Post the latest news in your industry. 9. Answer questions. The big 5 include: the cost or price, problems or things to be aware of, comparison, reviews, and best-of awards.
4. Decide the Type of Content You’ll Produce
Blog posts, e-books, podcasts, photos, infographics, videos, powerpoints, and so much more. Know who your ideal patient is so that you can communicate with them in a way that suits them.
5. Create a Content Schedule
If you can map out when you’ll create content, it makes the process a lot easier. Work with your online marketing company or create a team and assign some responsibilities. Figure out if someone in-house or outsourced will create the content for you. Have someone that’s just in charge of social media and promoting the content. This will remove a lot of headaches and frustration from the marketing process. Decide on the frequency of your posts and content. Generally, it’s good to post a couple times a month at a minimum. Consider national and local events, such as The National Alcohol and Drug Addiction month is a great way to produce meaningful content. You can use this to post content for not just your blog but also post guest posts on other people’s sites! For more information on how to create a Content Calendar, check out this blog post on Buffer.
6. Promote Your Content
No matter how beautiful, amazing, and attractive your content is – it doesn’t matter if no one is seeing it. Keep an email list, update through social media using tools such as Buffer or Hootsuite, and provide value. You want to provide value for your visitors and make sure that you’re not spamming social media with updates. Use third-party sites like Medium or LinkedIn to get some more exposure. For more information on crushing it with social media, feel free to check out our blog post.
7. Measure Your Return
Are you tracking the amount of traffic that your content is generating? If you have a call to action, add it to the end of the posts and direct people to where you’d like them to go. Use the calls to action to create unique URLs to see which calls to action are getting the most clicks. This is easily done with Google Analytics which lets you use their URL builder to track where traffic is coming from. Google Analytics also lets you see where your referrals are. If you’re using marketing software such as Act-On, ActiveCampaign, and HubSpot, make sure you’re getting the most out of it!
8. Use Retargeting
Retargeting is when someone visits your site and leaves your site, they’ll see your ad on other sites they visit. Retargeting for drug rehab centers is difficult since it’s not always allowed by certain ad platforms (like Google Adwords). You might have to do some workarounds to get it approved. The reason for this is because if people are looking for a confidential service such as a drug rehab center, then they don’t want ads for it popping up on other pages they visit. If you need assistance with using effective content marketing, contact us today so we can see if we're a good fit for each other. Be sure to follow us on Twitter @TitanWebAgency if you enjoyed this podcast! Have you considered hiring a company to help you market your practice? If so, be sure to check out this free report I put together called: The Consumer Awareness Guide to Choosing an Online Marketing Agency. Learn the exact questions you need to ask to ensure you don’t get ripped off. You can pick it up at: out the show notes at:
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Friday Jul 29, 2016
Friday Jul 29, 2016
How to Help Potential & Existing Patients Understand the Value of Your Practice
What was discussed?
Quote of the day: “Once you have commitment, you need the discipline and hard work to get you there.” - Haile Gebrselassie
1. Use Your Waiting Room
Try using your waiting room as a way to differentiate your office. If you want to create a luxury atmosphere, consider some massage chairs and flatscreen TVs. If you have a sports centered community, transform your waiting room into a sports centered area. An example is a pediatric office that had a huge fish tank and a large treehouse for kids to play in while they waited. Put some brochures and newsletters in the waiting room to show some value.
2. Use Target Marketing
Target marketing is when you know exactly who your ideal patient is and you go after them in a way they want to be communicated with. How much more effective is it for your advertisements to be seen by your ideal patient which is, as an example, a 35 year old business owner making 100k a year, who owns a home and has a family versus having your ad seen by everybody in Las Vegas? Cater directly to your ideal patient’s needs and wants.
3. Use Email Marketing
This is a great way to directly target a specific market and a great way to implement marketing campaigns! Email is a great way to remind patients about appointments, but it’s also a great way to keep your name at the front of your patients’ minds. It can be an avenue for you to show that you’re human and that your office cares. If you make it easy for your patients to come in and set up an appointment or you’re able to accommodate their schedules, they’ll remember it and value it.
4. Engage & Market To Your Existing Patients
You should know who your existing patients are and should be able to develop some demographics from them (such as areas of town, things they’re coming in for, etc.) and target that. Use that information to directly market to them. Ask them what’s most important to them and use that information to influence your blog posts and more.
5. Attract Referrals
Build more relationships with other medical professionals. Establish more relationships and get in front of more doctors and more patients. As you do this, your potential patients will see your relationship with a doctor that they might already be comfortable with which will positively influence their decisions. Try sending holiday cards or gifts, providing lunches, sending thank you notes, and other methods to establish more relationships with other medical professionals.
6. Use Internet Marketing
There’s a ton of potential in internet marketing! If you don’t have a digital marketing strategy in place, you’re going to have a hard time in attracting the patients that you want. You need a strong website, strong social media presence, and you should be easily searchable for your potential patients. Online presence might be all that a potential patient knows about you before setting up an appointment. Don’t take it lightly!
7. Always Maintain Positivity
Make sure that the attitude in the office and appearance of the office is positive. Make sure your patients are greeted in a friendly manner and by name. Ensure that the office is clean and has a warm atmosphere. You want your patients to go back home and be wowed by the experience they had in your office. Ideally, you want them to write a glowing review! Positivity in your office will make a difference. If you need assistance with communicating value to your patients, contact us today so we can see if we're a good fit for each other. Be sure to follow us on Twitter @TitanWebAgency if you enjoyed this podcast! Have you considered hiring a company to help you market your practice? If so, be sure to check out this free report I put together called: The Consumer Awareness Guide to Choosing an Online Marketing Agency. Learn the exact questions you need to ask to ensure you don’t get ripped off. You can pick it up at: out the show notes at:
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