The 10 Minute Dental Marketing Podcast
The 10-Minute Dental Marketing Podcast delivers brief but powerful and actionable marketing tips and strategies to help you grow your practice and take it to new heights. Visit our website at to learn how to get more new patients using the power of the internet.

Friday Nov 11, 2016
Developing and Improving Your Marketing, Part II
Friday Nov 11, 2016
Friday Nov 11, 2016
Developing & Improving Your Marketing, Part II
What was discussed?
Quote of the day: “There is always room at the top.” – Daniel Webster
Mobile Compatibility
At one point, people would have a dedicated mobile website that looked quite a bit different than the regular website. Today, we’re seeing more of a shift what Google recommends which is a responsive site. A responsive site takes the site that you have and formats it so that it’s viewable better on a mobile device. Typically this makes the site longer since users will be scrolling a lot more as opposed to pinching and zooming. If someone comes to your site through Google search and realize that your site isn’t optimized, research has shown that they are 5 times as likely to just leave and abandon your site. They’d rather go to another site that’s optimized then spend time on your site trying to navigate it.
Fast Loading Site
People don’t like waiting and get impatient, especially when dealing with a site that takes too long to load. When they search for something online, they’ll generally get an answer within a few seconds. When we are used to getting information within seconds, it can cause us to just expect that everything else matches that speed. It’s been reported that up to 82% of visitors will leave the site if they have to wait more than 2 seconds for the page to load, so it’s extremely important that your site is up to speed! If you need some help with this, Google has a tool called Google Page Speed that runs your site and looks for errors that are preventing it from running quickly. Make sure your site is up to snuff and that you’re giving a great experience to folks that are visiting your site.
Update Your Links
When someone visits your site and clicks on a specific link, they’re looking for information. They see a link on your site that’s meaningful to them, that will answer a question that they have, and so they click on it. When they click on that link and it leads to a 404 page, or leads to the wrong page, or is just a broken link – they begin to lose trust with you. Broken links tell them that there’s a lack of attention to detail. Having broken links doesn’t reflect very good on you and tells the visitor that you don’t pay attention to your site or how users will experience your site. You can use Google Search Console to find the broken links on your site. Google will find all the broken links on your site and tell you which ones you need to fix.
Creating Relevant Content
Internet marketing isn’t just SEO, it’s about providing value to your audience and providing helpful information for your visitors. You can create a ton of different types of content like podcasts, blogs, images, infographics, and more. When you create relevant content, you’re providing useful and engaging information to your visitors that they’ll appreciate. Make sure you’re thinking of all of the different types of content you can provide, you don’t just have to blog. Try to get creative, do some research, and try out different types of content to see which ones resonate best with your visitors. If you need assistance with improving the user experience of your site, be sure to contact us today so we can see if we're a good fit for each other. Be sure to follow us on Twitter @TitanWebAgency if you enjoyed this podcast! Have you considered hiring a company to help you market your practice? If so, be sure to check out this free report I put together called: The Consumer Awareness Guide to Choosing an Online Marketing Agency. Learn the exact questions you need to ask to ensure you don’t get ripped off. You can pick it up at: out the show notes at:
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Friday Nov 04, 2016
Developing and Improving Your Marketing, Part I
Friday Nov 04, 2016
Friday Nov 04, 2016
Developing & Improving Your Marketing, Part I
What was discussed?
Quote of the day: “If you work hard, be kind, then amazing things will happen.” – Conan O’Brien With a marketing campaign, you need to have a goal of what you’d like to get out of it. The goal needs to be realistic and something that you can implement. When you have a goal set, you’ll need to focus on the following two things:
Competitive Advantage
Your competitive advantage is also known as your USP (Unique Selling Proposition). This is the thing that sets you apart from all the other businesses like yours, especially in your area. Why should people go to you and not your competitor?
User-Friendly Website
This is the second most important thing you need to have. If you’re driving tons of traffic to your site through paid marketing efforts and then people land on your site and are really disappointed – you’ll have wasted a lot of time and money. Your site needs to be easy to navigate and focused on user-friendliness. For example, there’s a company in the area called Wisdom Teeth Only. That’s the name of their site and the name of their company. Their entire company is focused on wisdom teeth and the fact that they’re experts in that field. That’s their niche! Your niche doesn’t have to be focused around a specific type of surgery, but it does need to be focused on something. You could have the highest luxury dental practice in the area, or something along those lines. Pin down why people should go to you and put it into practice. Once you identify your USP, you can use it in all of your different marketing methods. After developing your USP, be sure that you turn your attention to your website. Make sure that you’re looking at your site from the perspective of a visitor, not from the perspective of an owner. Here’s a few things to consider when looking at your website: • Is it easy to navigate? • Does it use clean, uncluttered design? • Does it load quick? • Is it mobile friendly? • Does it have a blog? • Does it adequately, appropriately, and accurately describe the services you offer? • Is your USP clearly on your homepage? • Does it prominently display your contact information? • Does it have photos and bios of the dentists of the practice? • Are there reviews & testimonials? • Is it updated and kept up to date? • Is there an on page call to action? Some of the great websites you’ll come across have a heavy focus on user experience. Outside of the marketing industry, very few people realize the impact that user experience can have on conversions. If your website has bright and loud menus, information all over the place, has animations or is slow to load, you’re most likely losing customers. If you need assistance with developing your USP or improving your website, be sure to contact us today so we can see if we're a good fit for each other. Be sure to follow us on Twitter @TitanWebAgency if you enjoyed this podcast! Have you considered hiring a company to help you market your practice? If so, be sure to check out this free report I put together called: The Consumer Awareness Guide to Choosing an Online Marketing Agency. Learn the exact questions you need to ask to ensure you don’t get ripped off. You can pick it up at: out the show notes at:
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Friday Oct 28, 2016
3 Things a Properly Optimized Landing Page Covers
Friday Oct 28, 2016
Friday Oct 28, 2016
3 Things a Properly Optimized Landing Page Covers
What was discussed?
Quote of the day: “Step by step and the thing is done.” - Charles Atlas In Google Ad campaigns or Facebook campaigns, you should be sending people to a landing page (and definitely not your homepage). If you haven’t already, check out Episode 61 that covers improving your Google Ads landing pages. Here are three things your landing page should do:
1. Explains Who You Are
Let’s start with an example. Let’s say you’re searching for a house, and you click on an ad in Google. When you click on that ad, you want to know who you’re dealing with immediately, because you want to make sure you can trust them. Your Landing Page should accomplish this! You need to tell visitors who you are, what you value, and how you can help them.
2. Explains What You Do
Landing pages should be straightforward and should encourage visitors to submit a form or call your office to make an appointment. They should also provide visitors with useful and valuable information related to what they were initially searching for. For example, if you’re a plumber and you are sending people who are searching for “problem with a leaky faucet” or “how do I fix a leaky faucet” to a page that just has a list of services, that won’t be of use to them and they’ll probably leave your site. If you provide useful information for those people, you’ll have a much higher conversion rate.
3. Why You?
Tell the visitor what makes you unique, how you can help them, who you are, and what you’re about. Tell them about how awesome your service is, how the unique services you offer are going to help them and include testimonials! This is a spot for you to brag about your services and your office. Be proud and show them why they should choose you. This page should include your Unique Selling Proposition. How Can A Dentist Develop A Unique Selling Proposition? If you need assistance with creating an effective landing page, be sure to contact us today so we can see if we're a good fit for each other. Be sure to follow us on Twitter @TitanWebAgency if you enjoyed this podcast! Have you considered hiring a company to help you market your practice? If so, be sure to check out this free report I put together called: The Consumer Awareness Guide to Choosing an Online Marketing Agency. Learn the exact questions you need to ask to ensure you don’t get ripped off. You can pick it up at: out the show notes at:
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Friday Oct 21, 2016
Does website speed matter?
Friday Oct 21, 2016
Friday Oct 21, 2016
Does website speed matter?
Quote of the day: “Even if you fall on your face, you’re still moving forward.” - Victor Kiam Website speed absolutely matters, but today we’ll talk about how it matters. Technology has come so far that many people have high expectations when it comes to the speed of websites they visit. If something doesn’t work like it should in today’s technical society, people get upset and impatient. It’s been reported that 50% of people expect a website to load in 2 seconds or less. If your site doesn’t load fast enough, they could leave and go to the next result without a second thought. When this happens, you lose a visitor and Google sees that someone visited your site for not that long, left, and stayed at the second site they went to for much longer. To Google, this could mean that the second site they visited might be better than your site. These are definitely things to consider as your site could be losing you visitors and Google rankings. You can get your website speed tested at a few different sites such as Pingdom will tell you the response time of your site and will come up with some suggestions to improve your site’s speed. Another site is Google Page Speed Insights which will give you mobile and desktop results and also includes suggestions on how to improve your site’s speed. Google has also started to implement AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) which is a standardized code that helps pages load faster on a mobile site. This isn’t too prevalent in the small business world, but if you do you’ll be light-years ahead of the competition. Website speed absolutely, positively matters and can help you rank better and increase your conversions. The last thing you want is to lose a visitor because your site took half a second too long to load. If you need assistance with increasing your website’s speed, be sure to contact us today so we can see if we're a good fit for each other. Be sure to follow us on Twitter @TitanWebAgency if you enjoyed this podcast! Have you considered hiring a company to help you market your practice? If so, be sure to check out this free report I put together called: The Consumer Awareness Guide to Choosing an Online Marketing Agency. Learn the exact questions you need to ask to ensure you don’t get ripped off. You can pick it up at: out the show notes at:
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Friday Oct 14, 2016
Your Questions Answered Concerning Review Sites
Friday Oct 14, 2016
Friday Oct 14, 2016
Your Questions Answered Concerning Review Sites
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Quote of the day: “I’d rather attempt to do something and fail, than to attempt nothing and succeed.” - Robert H. Schuller If you haven’t listened to Episode 22 on How You Can Get Good Reviews and Use Them to Get More Patients, be sure to check that out here before continuing. Around 70-80% of people will trust a review they read online as much as they would the recommendation of a friend. They’re extremely important! Much like product reviews play a huge role on sites like Amazon, patient reviews are becoming equally as important. Here are some commonly asked questions about reviews:
1. What sites do I need to get reviews on?
Google - Google is where more people search than anybody else and the first place most people will find your site. It’s highly recommended that you focus here first. Yelp – It’s extremely hard to get reviews to stick on Yelp due to the strict nature of Yelp’s reviewing rules, but it’s still an important place to get reviews. One of the best ways to do that is if you can get one of the Yelp window stickers that says “People love us on Yelp!” – after this, you can better get in contact with folks who visited and can review on Yelp. Facebook – Becoming more of a review site than ever before, really easy for visitors to review on. RealSelf – A lot of doctors have seen this site, useful to get reviews on. Vitals – Not seen that often, but still important. RateMD – seen occasionally, but are definitely on the rise. Healthgrades – Seen all the time these days! The top 4 sites you should be getting reviews on are Google, Yelp, Facebook, and Healthgrades. To increase your number of reviews, you need to have a review funnel. If you don’t have a review funnel.
2. How should I respond?
Respond to as many reviews as you can! If you’re not mentioning the patient or service specifically, you should be safe from HIPAA violations. Saying things like “Thank you so much for your feedback!” or another nice note are great. You can be more personal, but be sure that you are within HIPAA guidelines.
3. Should you respond to negative reviews?
Absolutely! Apologize to the patient that they had a bad experience. Be sure that you drive home the point that you’d like to resolve the issue, you’re owning the issue, you’re not taking it personally, and you’re taking care of the patient even after they’ve left the office.
4. How can I get more reviews?
Definitely be sure to check out the free report we put together on this subject. Make sure you have somewhere centralized that patients are being sent to. You’ll want to ensure that your front office staff is reminding them to leave reviews, that you’re sending review reminders in SMS and email forms, and that you have a message at the front desk that reminds patients to leave reviews. When they leave, it should be mentioned again as well. If you’re still stuck, be sure to ask for help! We can help to get a review funnel set up and in place for you. If you need assistance with increasing the amount of reviews you’re getting, be sure to contact us today so we can see if we're a good fit for each other. Be sure to follow us on Twitter @TitanWebAgency if you enjoyed this podcast! Have you considered hiring a company to help you market your practice? If so, be sure to check out this free report I put together called: The Consumer Awareness Guide to Choosing an Online Marketing Agency. Learn the exact questions you need to ask to ensure you don’t get ripped off. You can pick it up at: out the show notes at:
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Friday Oct 07, 2016
What is a Keyword? What Type of Keywords Should You Focus on?
Friday Oct 07, 2016
Friday Oct 07, 2016
What is a Keyword? What Type of Keywords Should You Focus on?
What was discussed?
Quote of the day: “What you do today can improve all your tomorrows.” - Ralph Marston For SEO purposes, a keyword is simply a term that you’d like to show up for in the search results. For example, a dentist in Las Vegas would mostly likely want to show up for the short tail keyword “dentist in Las Vegas”. A long tail keyword would be something more specific, along the lines of “dentist in Las Vegas who takes Signa” or “dentist in East Las Vegas.” Someone that’s searching for specifics (examples: “dentist in Las Vegas that takes Signa,” or “dentist in East Las Vegas”) is often far more likely to call and book an appointment than someone who is just searching for “dentists in Las Vegas.” They’ve already defined what they need (dentists near them or someone who takes Signa) and aren’t just doing a general search. In the beginning, shorter keywords were highly valuable, but eventually, people realized that qualified buyers are often searching for specific terms. You’ll want to have a mix of keywords that your website is ranking for. Your website needs to be optimized in a way that it makes sense to those who are searching for keywords and redirected to your website. It should be optimized for readability by both the user and the search engines. This is important because: 1) That’s how natural language will read and search engines are becoming smarter and smarter, and 2) You want to satisfy both types of searchers. Optimizing your site for both long tail and short tail keywords doesn’t automatically mean you’ll rank for those keywords. Optimization of your website itself for on-page SEO is just one of the things you need to do to rank well in search results. If you’re focusing too much on the more specific keywords, you might not be getting enough traffic. Because of this, you won’t be getting as many visitors as opposed to if you were ranking for both short-tail and long-tail keywords. For example, let’s say you wanted to rank for “top plastic surgeon in San Diego.” To optimize your homepage to rank for this, you might include a header tag that said “Dr. Smith, recognized as the top plastic surgeon in San Diego,” or you could write a blog post that covered the top 10 plastic surgeons in San Diego. Then, when someone lands on that blog post, you can include a coupon or discount on that page. That way, you’ll be getting more traffic for broader keywords and you’ll be able to entice visitors with specifically targeted discounts. By optimizing your site to rank for more keywords, you’ll be showing up in more pages in the search results. As a best practice, you should have a main or a one or two phrase keyword and then a longer tail keyword for each page you’re optimizing for. Optimize your title tags (the main meta tag of the homepage, or whatever page you’re optimizing) and then throughout the text of that, put in your longer-tail keywords or variations of that keyword so that you can rank for that term. It’s important that your site reads naturally and that it makes sense why you put text where you did when someone is looking at it. Whatever SEO company you work with should already be doing this, so be sure to talk to about keywords you’re interested in ranking for. The company you’re working with should be open to hearing which keywords (short and long) you’d like to be ranking for and should be able to help you in that process. If you need assistance with optimizing your site, be sure to contact us today so we can see if we're a good fit for each other. Be sure to follow us on Twitter @TitanWebAgency if you enjoyed this podcast! Have you considered hiring a company to help you market your practice? If so, be sure to check out this free report I put together called: The Consumer Awareness Guide to Choosing an Online Marketing Agency. Learn the exact questions you need to ask to ensure you don’t get ripped off. You can pick it up at: out the show notes at:
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Friday Sep 30, 2016
5 Types of Social Media Posts You Can Use for Your Practice
Friday Sep 30, 2016
Friday Sep 30, 2016
5 Types of Social Media Posts You Can Use for Your Practice
Quote of the day: “Well done is better than well said.” – Benjamin Franklin Social Media is a tool that a lot of people tend to struggle with. It’s difficult to figure out what kind of content to post, how often to post, and the best way to engage people. Here are five ways you can improve your Social Media content.
1. Interaction with Patients
Perhaps your office had a giveaway, someone’s birthday, or some kind of raffle that brought out some patients. Get your patients’ permission to take (and post) photos of them and post it on your Facebook page. Describe the event, show that you engage with your patients, and have fun at your practice.
2. Show Your Employees Having Fun
Show your employees being goofy or dressed up on Halloween. If you have a prankster in your office, going out to team building events, or volunteering, people want to see this! People want to go to a practice that they feel comfortable with in a fun office environment. Show them your team’s unique personality.
3. Post Employees or Doctors with Patients
You want people to see how you interact with your patients. Show photos of your employees engaging with patients and what it’ll look like for the potential patient viewing the photos. These are also really great if you can snap a photo of the doctors working too.
4. Post Your Celebrations
If you have a special occasion, a birthday, or holiday parties – this is the exact type of thing that’s exciting for social media. You’re more likely to get more shares and visibility when you post photos that others can relate to or picture themselves enjoying!
5. Post the Humble Brag
Has your office won an award recently? Did your team win some kind of certificate? Posts these on social media! Awards can help people see that maybe your office is a notch above the other options or doctors in the area. Make a post that says something along the lines of, “Thank you, patients in the area, who voted us the best Orthodontist in the state,” along with a photo of your award (and preferably your team with that award)! For more information on Social Media, feel free to head to for our workbook that shows you how to generate new leads, how to interact on social media, which platforms you should use, and more! If you need assistance with creating a Social Media strategy, contact us today so we can see if we're a good fit for each other. Be sure to follow us on Twitter @TitanWebAgency if you enjoyed this podcast! Have you considered hiring a company to help you market your practice? If so, be sure to check out this free report I put together called: The Consumer Awareness Guide to Choosing an Online Marketing Agency. Learn the exact questions you need to ask to ensure you don’t get ripped off. You can pick it up at: out the show notes at:
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Friday Sep 23, 2016
Marketing Your Practice on the Cheap
Friday Sep 23, 2016
Friday Sep 23, 2016
Marketing Your Practice on the Cheap
Quote of the day: “I can’t imagine a person becoming a success who doesn’t give this game of life everything he’s got.” - Walter Cronkite Here are a few ideas for marketing your practice that require minimal expense:
1. Network
Instead of trying to provide a service, try to be a friend first. You want to be seen as someone that is a friend first, and a provider second, and a great way to get here is through networking. Some popular ways to network are through your local Chamber of Commerce, through, and through BNI. Sometimes people also create LinkedIn groups that meet in person. Networking face to face is better than just networking online.
2. Give Out Business Cards
This might seem old-fashioned, but it’s definitely something you should be doing. Order them online and carry them around with you wherever you go. You don’t have to just give out business cards to any random stranger that will listen, but you can start brief conversations and leave them your card.
3. Open Your Mouth
You never know where you’re going to go if you keep your mouth shut. Start by taking a genuine interest in someone and give them your card after a great conversation. Give a special offer to those in your immediate surrounding area by handing out flyers and going to those nearby.
4. Use Social Media
Social Media plays a big role in generating business, and as your business grows, you’ll obviously be able to afford more expensive marketing. However, Social Media marketing should never be something that’s overlooked. For a comprehensive guide to using Social Media as an effective marketing tool, be sure to check out our free report. If you need assistance with getting started in Social Media, contact us today so we can see if we're a good fit for each other. Be sure to follow us on Twitter @TitanWebAgency if you enjoyed this podcast! Have you considered hiring a company to help you market your practice? If so, be sure to check out this free report I put together called: The Consumer Awareness Guide to Choosing an Online Marketing Agency. Learn the exact questions you need to ask to ensure you don’t get ripped off. You can pick it up at: out the show notes at:
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